Monday 24 December 2012

How we can protect against flooding

65 Flood Warnings For UK As Heavy Rains Continue

Posted by guildy on September 25, 2012 in News

Floods in UK: More than 800 homes flooded as storms hit

Posted by BBC News on 26 November 2012

It’s that time of year again and thousands of people in the UK are suffering from the floods – many homes and businesses have been damaged. It’s almost impossible to keep the water out once the rivers burst their banks. Some properties have been flooded more than once this year.

We need a practical, simple solution. The local council is responsible for improving flood defences, and these must continue to be implemented. In addition, I suggest we investigate ways to ‘wrap our property in plastic’ to keep the flood waters out if it breeches the flood defences. The proposed scheme could be funded by the property owner, or Insurance companies.

Rigid sheets of clear plastic (produced from recycled plastic) could be attached to the house to keep out the flood waters. These would slide into a set of permanently attached ‘sliders’. The length and width of the plastic sheets would vary to enable an entire house to be wrapped up to a height of say 1.5 meters (above flood levels in your region). The front door would be the last sheet inserted as you made your escape before the flood reached your property.

Different colours could be made available for the more fashion conscious.

Now over to the inventors to design and perfect this fledgling idea. The scheme could generate local jobs both to the plastic sheet and fixture manufacturers and to local fitters!

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