Musings of a wannabe blogger

Life is for the inquisitive (see the beauty in the everyday)

Welcome to my blog
I plan to capture conversations, most of which take place in my head, with various people in my life: my wife, my sons, my MP, my friends. I'll capture my 'Travel diary', and I'll encourage you, my friend, to participate.

Life is for the living
Life is to enjoy the miraculous,
To appreciate the beauty
and to admire the complexity in its very simplicity

(image recycled from - with thanks)
posted April 2012

Yesterday I tweeted what I thought was such a novel tweet: 'I tweet therefore I am' - then I discovered it had been tweeted and re-tweeted more than 2,400 times. How original am I :-)

Today I thought of: 'I blog therefore I am' - I wonder how many thousand times that's been said. 

And now, hopefully for something a little more unique:

I blog, therefore I am
I tweet, therefore I am
and having blogged and tweeted, still
I am

posted March 2013

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