My Travel Diary

Where I was Today

image reused from Theosophists Way

Tuesday 25 September 2012 Much has happened since my last post, I've been to Cairo, Egypt where I saw the Sphinx and a few Pyramids; and back in the UK  I had a dramatic high-speed cycle crash - ending up in hospital with concussion, fractures to my left shoulder and shin, bruises and grazes all down the left side of my body and knuckles on my right hand with no skin! And massive bruising to my ego! Michael, the other injured party, has his wrist fractured, arm in a cast, and lost some of the ends of his finger tips, what a pair. Ian was, apparently, cycling unencumbered for 50+ miles or so in a completely different direction. More about that later - I need a lie down. 
Posted 25 September 2012

Monday 13 August 2012, I took the BA flight from Heathrow terminal 5 to Zurich. It happened to be the day many of the Olympic athletes travelled home.  Though as you will see from this photo, it had no impact on my travels, it was all handled incredibly efficiently – just like the London Olympics.  We Brits are feeling so proud of our athletes, and the organisers of what must be considered the quirkiest of all Games. I loved it, what a show.

Baden, Switzerland what a beautiful city, Ken & I walked around the city looking for a restaurant serving local Swiss food – we found what we were looking for back at our hotel, but what a lovely walk.

For more of my travel log please look here.
first published 19 August 2012

 Sunday 12 August 2012

I thought you said cycling! After a long 24 mile off-road ride in the countryside we enjoyed a coffee at Michael’s local (my HTC sat nav unfortunately lost GPS signal half way around). It was a lovely sunny day, I rushed back to watch the final day of the Olympics with Valerie. BBC put on amazing coverage.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Despite the rain this morning Michael and I were out bright and early to complete our duathlon training (a 10 mile cycle followed by a 5km run, 14.9miles in total). See mapmyride for details. I enjoyed hours of Olympics this weekend, very inspiring.

Sunday 22 June 2012

Sunday morning I was out cycling with Michael (Ian was loafing, sore knee or better offer from his motor bike buddies). You will find the route here: mapmyride.  We decided to cycle for 10kms followed by a 5km run - in practice for a biathlon, or triathlon even. It did feel tough running after a hard ride, but most enjoyable. We cycled and ran around Queens Parade, Aldershot - a relatively flat area, a great place to run. (image right is part of Queens Parade).
image courtesy of Rushmoor Council

Week of 16 July 2012

I was in Dubai this week on Business (thanks Oracle), I stayed at the Kempinski Hotel - wow, gorgeous hotel, gym, pool, fabulous staff - very friendly! All in all a great 5 days. And yes, I did see the snow and the ski-slopes in the Mall of the Emirates, which backs on to the hotel. Amazing! More photos to follow.

Kempinski Hotel

Poolside Terrace

Saturday 7 July 2012

Had a lovely day in Hemel Hempstead visiting Gill (my Aunt). We had lunch at the Three Horseshoes in Winkwell
Images courtesy of The Three Horseshoes

Excellent Veggie-burger (chips and salad). Friendly staff. And located overlooking the Grand Union canal 



Sunday 1st July 2012

image courtesy of Farnham Bike Ride

Big day today, all the cycling training with Ian, Michael and Adam, and my spinning classes were leading up to the big Farnham cycle ride (all 25 miles of it) – ok, so everyone has to start small J
I cycled it last year on my old mountain bike taking just under 2 hours. Today on my new (second hand) Isaac road bike I smashed 30 minutes of that – coming in under 1hr 30 minutes. Could have been better if I didn’t add an unnecessary loop of 2.6 miles. Need a few more marshals next year – to stop the likes of me getting lost!

Beautiful sunny, yet cool day. Well attended, nearly 700 of us locals. Here’s the official route!



Sunday 24th June 2012

Sunday morning I was out cycling with Michael and Ian. You will find the route here: mapmyride.  Again, hoping to get out and back before the rain, for a declared drought we’re certainly getting a lot of rain! Michael met me at home, we picked up Ian and headed for Tongham (image right is Tongham forest), Runfold, Ash Vale, somehow ending up along Basingstoke Canal, past the Farnborough airfield (the Farnborough Airshow is on July 14-15), then back home. All in all a great ride – Surrey and Hampshire really are stunning counties.

image courtesy of Surrey Wildlife Trust

Sunday 17th June 2012

image reused from Wikipedia

I went cycling this morning with Michael (Ian's off fishing, Adam's at Le Mans!), you should find the route here (mapmyride). We were up before any threat of rain, a warm, sometimes sunny route, gorgeous. Somehow! I got a little lost and our 16 miler became a 24 miler - but no harm done. Weather and company were great

30/06/2012: Rest of my diary was lost – I’ll try recover as we go along!
(and yes I do (now) have a backup!)

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