Conversations with my sons

Green Leafy Smoothies!

Wow thank you so much for sharing the Sergei Boutenko video (an excellent video on the health benefits of adding green-smoothies to your diet.). We sat through the whole video yesterday, had our first green leafy smoothie today (in a long time), and listened to an hour of Viktoria Boutenko - we'll enjoy the rest of it later.
We're both sold on the idea, next step we need to buy a decent blender - Mum's investigating, then we'll swap our dinner's for a smoothie every night. We'll definitely give it a try for a month or so and see how we get on.
Let us know how you are getting on too!
(image recycled from Raw Food Scotland - thanks)
first posted 22 April 2012

David Lynch Foundation: Changing Lives With Meditation

This video from David Lynch was brought to my attention this week, and as your father I need to bring it to yours. As I said on Facebook, you don’t need to believe the hype about TM and all the 1000s of Scientific studies which have been published, just try it – it works, and it’s powerful. Mum and I have been meditating since the 1970s (a little before your time!) and we’re still doing it – it’s a wonderful, deep rest, a break from the activities and stresses of the day.
first posted 5 August 2012

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