Sunday 24 March 2013

Musings of a wannabe blogger

Yesterday I tweeted what I thought was such a novel tweet: 'I tweet therefore I am' - then I discovered it had been tweeted and re-tweeted more than 2,400 times. How original am I :-).

Today I thought of: 'I blog therefore I am' - I wonder how many thousand times that's been said. 

And now, hopefully for something a little unique:
I blog, therefore I am
I tweet, therefore I am
and having blogged and tweeted, still
I am

posted March 2013

My Travel Diary (page)

Where I was Today

Saturday 24 March 2013 Time passes faster with each year, I know it’s relative and subjective, but much has happened since my last post here. I’ve been to za[1] South Africa and de[1] Munich, england[1] Yorkshire and South Downs. South Downs was a personal trip – it was a 25 mile off-road cycle (Wiggle South Downs Epic), hard work but enjoyable with Ian and Farnham cycle friends.

for more of my travel news, please see my blog page dedicated to travel