Saturday 30 June 2012


Sigh, I managed to delete my Travel page whilst updating it, and I don't have a backup :-(
I'll start afresh!
Take a look : My Travel Diary

Monday 18 June 2012

Travel log updated

I updated my travel log today. Sunday morning cycling  with a buddy in Surrey. The weather was cloudy and overcast but warm, gorgeous time of the year, flowers in bloom, young sheep and calves in the fields.See my travellog.

More ideas for my MP

I added some suggestions to my MP today regarding better use of UK taxpayers money donated to third world countries.
Check out my comments conversations-with-my-mp

Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas for your MP here.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

updated conversations with my MP

I updated my blog with some thoughts for my MP today, with a few ideas, observations and an appeal to help the people of Syria.
See 'My Conversations with my MP'