Wednesday 30 May 2012

I came across this photo online last week - it is so beautiful that I'm using it as my summer background on my PC. Stand out, dare to be different. Enjoy the beauty.  ... Keith

Sunday 27 May 2012

Travel log updated

I updated my travel log today. I was out cycling with a buddy in Hampshire and Surrey (supporters of 2012 Olympics).
Oh and I went to Rome this month too! See my travellog.

Conversations with my MP

Many people in the UK offer criticism and complaints about our MPs, I thought I'd try and be different so I will capture some thoughts and ideas for my MP to help him improve the situation. I'll be constructive in my criticism, and  will strive to be helpful. Let me know how I do, check out my conversations here

Friday 18 May 2012

Welcome to my blog

I plan to capture conversations, most of which take place in my head, with various people in my life: my wife, my sons, my MP, my friends. I'll capture my 'Travel diary', and I'll encourage you, my friend, to participate.

Life is for the living
Life is to enjoy the miraculous,
To appreciate the beauty
and to admire the complexity in its very simplicity
first published April 2012